The Ysternia Artists Museum is housed, since May 1987, on the site of the old school of crafts, at Ysternia. There, young ladies learned how to knit and weave.
The museum’s collection includes works by important sculptors coming from the village and are represented by the following projects.
Lazarus Sohos – “Relief of St. George”
Iakovos Malakates – “Funerary relief of the church of St. Athanasius of Ysternia”
George Fytali – “Pastor holding a kid”
Lazarus Fytali – “Bust of a woman”
Lazarus Nick. Sohos – “Bust of Demetrius Vikelas”
Antonios Sohos – “Head of a young woman”(referred to ancient Greek “Kori”)
Lazarus Lameras – “Two Young Women”(referred to ancient Greek “Kores”).